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Where Can I Donate my Items?
Tis the season to sell items at garage sales and clear out the unwanted.
Whetther you are planning to move or cleaning out a loved one's home, there are many great places to donate the items you don't want to move with you. Your unwanted items can go to good use if you plan ahead of a move or take your time cleaning out a home.Here are some great options and what they will accept.
Mers/Missouri Goodwill Industries
Will pick-up, about 2 weeks out
Link to schedule pickup: https://mersgoodwill.org/donation-home-pickup/
Accepts: variety of items
*No mattresses*
Restore Habitat For Humanity of St. Louis
Pickup in some locations:
Restore Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County
Drop off: 186 Mid Rivers Center, St. Peters 63376.
Pick up in some locations.
Link to schedule pick up:http://habitatstcharles.org/restore/
Both Accept: working appliances, building & construction materials, doors, cabinets, windows, new carpet/linoleum/rugs, electrical fixtures, lumber, hardware, roofing, tile, unused/unopen paint cans
St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Louis
Pickup in St. Louis & St. Charles County. As far south as Arnold, as far west as Wentzville.
Furniture pick up# 314-881-6006 or online at: https://svdpstlouis.org/thrift-stores/schedule-pickup
List of accepted items: https://svdpstlouis.org/thrift-stores/household-goods-donations including clothing, homegoods, furniture & vehicles
Home Sweet Home
Helps people transition out of homelessness
Drop off Location: 290 Hanley Industrial Ct., Brentwood, MO 63144
Pick up link: https://homesweethomestl.org/donate/
Schedules next week out picks up large items in home or in garage
Accepts: couches, beds, dressers, kitchen tables (no toys, clothes, lamps)
Miriam Switching Post
The Switching Post raises needed funds to support the families that rely on the services of Miriam: The Learning Disability Experts.
Drop off Location: 292 Hanley Industrial Ct., Brentwood, MO 63144
Pickup for large items depending on quality and quantity in both St. Louis and St. Charles County.
Accepts: clean, gently used or new furniture and household items.
Vietnam Veterans of America
For pickup services call: 888-518-8387 or visit website above
Accepted: clothing, baby items, small appliances, kitchenware, furniture and electronics
Charity Clothing Pick Up
Benefits the Children’s Home Society of Missouri, Women’s Another Chance & the American Red Cross
Schedule a pick up at: http://www.clothingpickupstl.com/pickup-services.aspx
Accepts: Clothing, housewares, small furniture, baby items, lamps, curtains, toys
The Salvation Army
Pick up Services call: 800-728-7825 or https://satruck.org/
Accepts: Clothing, housewares, furniture and vehicles
The Sharing Shed
Equipping ministry serving families and individual of St. Charles County and surrounding areas who are experiencing a crisis and need a helping hand.
Drop off location: 927 E Terra Lane, O’Fallon, MO
Pick up within a 10 mile radius of O’Fallon location
Accepts: Furniture, small appliances, dishes & utensils, linens, MATTRESSES, BOXSPRINGS & FRAMES
Donation Town
Online Service: Enter your zip code,Choose from charities in your local area that will pick up your donations, Schedule your free donation pick up.
Caring Transitions, For a company to help you manage CleanOut and Packing https://www.caringtransitionsstcandweststl.com/
- Downsizing and decluttering
- Relocation
- Estate Sales and Online Auction
- Shop online estate sales and auction items also!