Acreage, Horse, and Farm Property Concierge

House Pet Equine Sitter

Happy House Sitter
Judy Tippett (217) 737-6078
Happy House Sitter

Barn and Stall Builder

Woodsmith Custom Woodworking
Barn building and stalls
Noah (636) 358-6417
Woodsmith Custom WoodworkingWoodsmith Custom Woodworking2

Premium Care for Retired, Special Needs, and Vacationing Horses

Oakleigh Ridge
Bizzie O'Leary (314) 406-3904
Oakleigh Ridge was set-up as a Lay-up and Retirement Farm for Performance horses. We offer premium care for horses that are completely retired, that have special needs or that need time off for various reasons.
Oakleigh Ridge

Equine Insurance Services

Dietrich Equine Insurance Services
(314) 406-3904
Dietrich Equine Insurance Services


Barn Maintenance and Repair Services

Dreyer School Farms
Offering Barn Maintenance and Repair services (specializing in Equine Facilities) on a freelance basis. Everything from maintaining equipment, building stalls, andinstalling and maintaining fly systems.